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Do you need a No Land Plan/ CAFO NPDES Permit?
Do you need a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan?
Do you need a Water Management Plan/ C.A.P. Plan?
Do you need a Pest Management Plan/C.S.P Plan?
Nutrient Management

Our Nutrient Management Plans include:

GPS Maps of Total Acres, Field Units and Pivot Irrigations

Field Specific Soil Type Maps, 1 GPS Soil Sample per 20 acre grid

1 Manure Sample per 50,000 birds

Elemental and Organic Fertilizer Recommendation

Lime Recommendation with Mg and Ca Considerations

Field Specific Phosphorous Level Considerations

Crop Removal Rates for Phosphorous and Potassium

Nitrogen and Phosporous Manure Considerations with Crop Rotation scenarios where applicable, State Regulations and BMP's

Optional Record Keeping Sheets

Pest Management

Our Pest Management Program includes:

Fields visited on Regular Schedule

On-Site visits by CCA's (Certified Crop Adviser)

Evaluation Maps with Geo-Referenced Acres

Economic thresholds of Identified Pest

List of Recommended Chemical Options

Pest Management Plans meet and/or exceed Government standards


CAFO Plans in both Delaware and Maryland that meet

and exceed both state and NRCS guidelines

Water Management

Our Water Management Program includes:

Geo-Reference Irrigation Maps with Irrigated and dryland acres

Soil types of Irrigation Pivots

Calibration of Irrigation Pivots

Field monitored weekly with TDR's

Weekly Irrigation Watering Schedule

Record Sheets

Onsite Visits


Field Geo Referenced with hand held trimbles

driven by ATV'S

USGS Soil Maps

Most current SURGOS available

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